Described as a first-/third-person shooter, Quantum Error - which Sony says is coming “soon” to PS5, although we also know it’s coming to other platforms, too - was first unveiled back in March 2020. You can check out the trailer below: “When the Monad Quantum Research Facility - 30 miles off the shore of CA - is attacked by an unknown entity, engulfing the complex in flames and putting it into a full containment lock-down, a distress call is sent for mutual aid to the Garboa Fire Dept in San Francisco, CA,” states the game’s description (thanks, TSA). “Fire Chief Sturgis answers the call and sends you - Capt. Jacob Thomas - your partner Shane Costa and a crew by helicopter to the Monad Facility. “Your mission is simple: save as many lives from the burning complex as possible and get out. However, what starts as a rescue mission quickly plummets into darkness, when you arrive and find that things are not as they appear.” As yet there’s no definitive release date, but we’ll let you know the moment that changes.