After completing each cauldron, Aloy once again gains the ability to override different machines throughout the world. Exploring the cauldrons also counts towards 100% completion of the game. So, in order to get different machines on your side and do cool stuff like fly around the world on a Sunwing, you should explore the cauldrons. Here’s where to find each cauldron location, how to get in and what to expect. On this page: If you’d like to learn more about Horizon: Forbidden West, check out our pouch upgrades, door code for Death’s Door mission, Tallneck in Cinnabar Sands and levelling and skill points pages. The machine parts you need always come from the machine you’re trying to get an override for - as you can see in the above screenshot, I needed Plowhorn parts in order to unlock the Plowhorn override. The parts needed for overrides are slightly rare, so be prepared to fight several machines to get what you need. Aloy starts the game with the ability to override the Charger and ride it, but you can also ride the Bristleback and Clawstrider, and override the Sunwing in order to fly on it. Each rewards you with a good amount of XP, skill points and overrides for several machines. Remember that once you enter a cauldron, you can’t leave until you’ve completed it - inside, you will have to do some climbing to find your way around, fight several regular machines and a boss, so make sure you’re prepared. Level: 15 Override upon cauldron completion: Bristleback Override with machine parts at the hub: Plowhorn, Grimhorn XP: 9,000, 2 skill points The entrance is guarded by a heard of Leaplashers and a few Watchers, but as soon as you have defeated them, you can simply enter the cauldron by overriding the front door. Level: 18 Override upon cauldron completion: Scrounger, Burrower, Grazer Override with machine parts at the hub: Fanghorn, Widemaw, Scrapper XP: 8,000, 3 skill points A few Leaplashers once again patrol the surrounding area. Once you find it, it turns out that there is no regular door through which to enter, since the entrance seems to sit in the ground. If you set this cauldron as your active quest in the quest menu, you can see the rough location of the alternative entrance on the map - walk to a gorge to the west of where you first found the cauldron. There, a few watchers will bury their way out of the ground and attack you. Defeat them, then go deeper into the gorge until you enter a cave. Simply keep going down the cave until you find IOTA’s real entrance. Level: 22 Override upon cauldron completion: Leaplasher, Longleg, Lancehorn, Glinthawk Override with machine parts at the hub: Clawstrider, Bellowback, Snapmaw, Skydrifter, Rollerback, Ravager XP: 7,500, 2 skill points Doing the GEMINI mission locks in into the main quest for a while, so keep that in mind if there is anything you would like to complete first. Level: 30 Override upon cauldron completion: Sunwing Override with machine parts at the hub: None XP: 24,000, 2 skill points Keep an eye out for watchers and especially for stalkers in the surrounding area, as stalkers have a cloaking device that makes them difficult to spot. If you need help finding a useable entrance, you can once again activate the quest in the quest menu and then check the map, but it’s not too far from you - to the east you can find a rock face with a river basin, here you can grapple up to lip in the stone and enter the cauldron. Level: 30 Override upon cauldron completion: Redeye Watcher, Behemoth, Shellwalker, Clamberjaw, Frostclaw Override with machine parts at the hub: Fireclaw, Scrocher, Spikesnout, Shellsnapper, Stalker XP: 12,500, 3 skill points Aloy has returned in Horizon: Forbidden West! To help you get started in her new quest, visit our pages on how levelling and skill points work, along with how to upgrade your inventory pouches. We’ve also looked at how to climb the Tallneck in Cinnabar Sands, cauldron locations and the door code for Death’s Door mission. While you can override both if you’ve completed the previous cauldrons and gathered their parts, the beach is open enough it may be difficult to sneak up - and the Shellsnapper is a big fight. The entrance to the cauldron lies partially underwater - simply swim up to the door and dive. Kappa has several underwater sections where you need to dodge machines and hide in kelp before you’ve changed the water levels enough to fight them on dry land. You can’t attempt this cauldron until you’ve finished the Sea of Sands main quest (level 22). Level: 40 Override upon cauldron completion: Tremortusk, Tideripper, Rockbreaker, Stormbird Override with machine parts at the hub: Thunderjaw, Slaughterspine, Slitherfang, Dreadwing XP: 12,500, 3 skill points Good luck collecting all of the machine overrides in Horizon: Forbidden West!

Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 30Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 46Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 69Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 29Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 92Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 4Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 48Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 46Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 15Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 10Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 69Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 59Horizon Forbidden West cauldron locations  All cauldrons and machine override unlocks in Horizon - 84