The latest issue of Famitsu, the Japanese gaming magazine, includes an interview with Sakurai discussing the future of the fighting series after Super Smash Bros. Ultimate received Sora as the final piece of DLC last month. “I’m not thinking about a sequel,” Sakurai told Famitsu, as translated by VGC. “But I can’t say that this is definitely the last Smash Bros. “I need to think about whether we should release another Smash Bros. game at the risk of disappointing the users.” He then discussed his future involvement in the series. “I can’t see any way to produce Smash Bros. without me,” he said. “To be honest, I’d like to leave it to someone else, and I’ve actually tried that, but it hasn’t worked out. “If we’re going to continue with the series, Nintendo and I need to discuss and seriously consider how to make it a success.” Sakurai has run a column in the magazine since the early 2000s, but this issue includes his last. As reported by Siliconera, Sakurai wrote that he wanted to conceal himself for a while and that he’s not able to say what he’s working on next. He said it may be better if people forget about him. Sora joined the roster last month, but was reportedly the toughest character for Sakurai to include in the game.